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Cantilever crane – the ideal lifting machinery


这 悬臂起重机出售 是一种适用于低工作强度的轻型起重机,由立柱、摆臂及驱动装置、电动葫芦三部分组成,立柱底部通过地脚螺栓固定在混凝土或移动底盘上,悬臂为空心钢结构,具有自重轻、跨度大、在起重载荷下运行速度快的特点。

Sevencrane jib crane for sale 悬臂起重机按驱动方式可分为手动、电动两种,根据运行轨道的不同,柱式悬臂起重机又可分为内装轨道悬臂起重机和外装轨道悬臂起重机两种,与环链电动葫芦配套使用,使用方便,定位准确。

这 industrial jib crane for sale has a simple structure, small space, large operating range, easy operation, and flexible rotation. It is suitable for fixed places such as docks, warehouses, and workshops. It has safety protection and extreme protection, is safe and feasible, and is an ideal lifting machinery. It is very suitable for outdoor use. cargo yards and loading and unloading platforms. The cantilever crane produced by our company Baowei Crane has the characteristics of light weight, long cantilever, large lifting capacity, simple installation, operation and maintenance, and ,top factory jib crane for sale has the following advantages:

(2) The span of the swing arm can reach 6m and above, and the rotation coverage range is 270°-360°;
(4) It occupies a small area, making your factory space more efficient and more beautiful.