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Trang chủ > cần cẩu giàn container
Features of the Container Gantry Crane
Apr 08, 2024
Container gantry cranes are mainly used for container loading, unloading, handling and stacking in container railway transfer yards and large container storage yards. They are commonly used in places such as ports, freight stations, logistics centers and large warehouses.
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rubber tyred gantry crane
Performance Advantages of Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane
Dec 15, 2023
SEVENCRANE is a professional gantry crane manufacturer with a number of professional production equipment and a high-quality engineer team. We can customize various gantry cranes according to customer requirements and provide one-stop services. And the tire-type container gantry crane produced by our company is suitable for handling and loading and unloading of international standard containers. SEVENCRANE rubber tyred gantry crane has advanced performance, high production efficiency, good maneuverability and low sensitivity to ground unevenness. Powered by a diesel generator set, its oil circuit and hydraulic system are equipped with heating devices and can work at low temperatures. It has complete safety knowledge and overload protection devices to ensure the safety of operators and equipment to the greatest extent. The electrical system adopts PLC frequency conversion speed regulation, which is conducive to the control of various mechanisms.
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Đặc điểm và thông số kỹ thuật của cần cẩu container
Ngày 20 tháng 11 năm 2023
Như chúng ta đã biết, trọng lượng của container cần một số thiết bị đặc biệt để vận chuyển, và cần trục cổng container đã ra đời. Chúng có thể chạy trong dãy container cùng lúc và nâng hạ mục tiêu theo các nhu cầu khác nhau. Do trọng tâm thấp , dễ điều khiển, để tránh lệch trọng tâm, cần trục cổng container thường sử dụng trần nhà.
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What types of port gantry crane
Sep 26, 2023
Port gantry cranes come in various types, each designed to fulfill specific requirements and cater to different port operations. Here are some common types of port gantry cranes:
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