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Cần cẩu gắn trên đường ray giá cả hợp lý cho ngoài trời

Date: 2024-06-25
Chia sẻ với chúng tôi:

Rail mounted gantry cranes are composed of main beams, rigid and flexible gantry legs, running trolleys, lifting mechanisms, trolley running mechanisms, electrical systems, operating cabs, etc. According to the yard operation process, the cantilever in the direction of the single gantry leg or the double gantry leg becomes a single cantilever or double cantilever model, and the non-cantilever model becomes a cantilever-free model. According to the site, container storage and transportation process and loading and unloading vehicles (container trucks or railway vehicles), different structural forms of no cantilever, single cantilever and double cantilever are determined.

Product core highlights:


Các rmg crane has anti-sway function. Some products need to be shipped by container transportation. When stacking containers, multiple containers are required to be neatly stacked on all four sides, which puts higher requirements on the anti-sway ability of the crane lifting the container. The rail mounted container gantry crane has a very good anti-sway ability. It adopts a mechanical anti-sway method of eight lifting wire ropes, cancels the movable pulley group on the ordinary crane hoist, expands the lifting wire rope at a large angle, and uses the strong component of the lifting wire rope tension in the horizontal direction to offset the walking inertia force, achieving the best anti-sway effect and making the sway close to zero. Compared with ordinary similar cranes, this machine has a fast running speed, light weight, and good anti-sway effect. The rmg crane can rotate the container 180 degrees in the air and accurately position the stacking box. It is the best choice for container shipping. Compared with ordinary similar cranes, it has a fast running speed, light weight, and good anti-sway effect. It can rotate the container 180 degrees in the air and accurately position the stacking box. It is a very good choice for container shipping.


Intelligent monitoring. Through the sensors set on various components of the rmg container crane to collect information, the operation status of each component is fed back to the information display platform in real time for the operator to analyze, detect, and find the most effective solution, effectively improve the operation efficiency, and prevent failures in time.


Visual video monitoring. The design uses a high-power wireless bridge transmission device on each rmg container crane to connect 360 degrees omnidirectional antennas through power distribution to achieve signal coverage in a diagonal installation manner, that is, no matter what working state the crane is in, it can ensure that there is a pair of antennas and the remote central machine room can see each other.


Các cần cẩu gắn trên đường ray is suitable for container loading, unloading, handling and stacking in container railway transshipment yards and large container storage and transportation yards.