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domov > single beam gantry crane manufacturer
Katere so ključne točke za varnostni pregled portalnih žerjavov?
21. december 2023
Električna oprema: preverite prah in umazanijo na električni opremi ter zagotovite, da so razdelilne omarice, krmilne omarice, ščetke in kontaktne površine vsakega dela čiste; pogosto preverjajte, ali so vsi kabli in žice poškodovani.
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To je portalni žerjav
21. december 2023
Omejevalnik dvižne teže: Ko dejanska dvižna teža preseže 90% do 95% nazivne dvižne teže, omejevalnik dvižne teže pošlje alarmni signal. Ko je dejanska dvižna teža med 100% in 110% nazivne dvižne teže, se vir dvižne moči samodejno izklopi. , kar omogoča spuščanje predmetov.
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Gantry crane installation project
21. december 2023
Gantry crane installation project 1. Before installing the gantry crane, all ground anchors must be inspected and accepted. Installation can only be carried out after passing the inspection. 2. Select two qualified truck cranes for installation according to the installation requirements of the gantry crane.
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What should we pay attention to before and during the use of road and bridge gantry cranes?
21. december 2023
Delovanje cestnih in mostnih portalnih žerjavov je pomemben vidik, ki ga morajo uporabniki nadzorovati. Kakovost njegovega delovanja bo neposredno vplivala na to, ali je delovanje mogoče nemoteno ustaviti.
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What are the common faults of gantry cranes?
21. december 2023
The reasons for the failure of gantry cranes are relatively complex. If a crane malfunctions, it is difficult to solve these malfunctions. At the same time, these malfunctions will not only cause damage to the entire machine, but may also pose a certain threat to human life safety.
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What are the key points in the installation of the mechanical part of the bridge crane?
21. december 2023
Gantry crane is a variant of bridge crane, also called gantry crane. It is mainly used for loading and unloading operations in outdoor cargo yards, material yards, and bulk cargoes.
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