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domov > industrijski viseči mostni žerjav
overhead crane for sale
Podrobna predstavitev podvisnega mostnega žerjava
8. januar 2024
Podvisni mostni žerjavi s popolnimi vzletno-pristajalnimi stezami se večinoma uporabljajo za prevoz materialov v notranjih delavnicah za proizvodnjo in predelavo strojev, montažnih delavnicah, skladiščih, skladiščih materiala, za dviganje fiksne opreme za vzdrževanje, kot so elektrarne, in drugih priložnostih. Uporabljajo se lahko tudi v metalurških in livarskih delavnicah kot pomožna dvižna oprema. Poleg tega ni primeren za okolja z vnetljivimi, eksplozivnimi, gorljivimi plini, prahom in korozivnimi plini. Vendar pa ni primeren za okolje z jedrskim sevanjem in okolje s strupenimi plini.
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Characteristics and main structural functions of underhung cranes
29. november 2023
Underhung cranes are lifting equipment that are placed horizontally over workshops, warehouses and stockyards for lifting materials. Because the two ends of the bridge's underhung cranes are located on tall cement columns or metal supports, and are shaped like a bridge, they are commonly known as "overhung cranes" and "driving cranes." It is a kind of lifting machinery with wide range of use and large quantity.
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underhung cranes structural frame construction
29. november 2023
After understanding the basic parameters of underhung cranes, we must also understand the metal structure frame structure of the bridge crane in detail. Let’s share it with you. The metal structure of underhung cranes is the skeleton of the crane, on which all mechanical and electrical equipment are distributed. It is the load-bearing structure of the crane and makes the crane form a whole mechanical equipment.
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