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domov > EOT crane
Single Girder Electric Overhead Travelling Crane in Workshop
Jul 23, 2024
EOT cranes are essential equipment in a variety of industries, allowing for easy and efficient lifting and moving of heavy objects.
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Visokokakovosten EOT žerjav, električni mostni žerjav, potujoči žerjav
24. maj 2024
Žerjav EOT, polno ime je električni mostni žerjav, je lahek žerjav. Žerjav EOT je sestavljen iz dvižnega mehanizma, mehanizma za upravljanje vozička in okvirja vozička. Dvižni mehanizem vključuje motor, zavoro, reduktor, boben, škripec itd. Motor poganja boben, da se vrti skozi reduktor, tako da se žična vrv navije okoli bobna ali pade z bobna za dvigovanje težkih predmetov.
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Enogredni električni mostni žerjav
May 10, 2024
Single girder eot crane is consisting of the main beam, end beam, electric hoist, travelling mechanism, hand controller, and electrical control system. The electric hoist can move horizontally on the rail fitted under a beam. The electric overhead travelling crane holds many characters of light structure, easy to install and maintain, which is typically used for either manufacturing or maintenance applications where efficiency or downtime are critical factors, for instance, plants, warehouses, or material stocks.
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Delavniški enogredni električni mostni žerjav
Apr 18, 2024
Electric overhead traveling cranes or EOT cranes are a common type of overhead crane, also called bridge cranes. They consist of parallel runways, much akin to rails of a railroad, with a traveling bridge spanning the gap.EOT cranes are specifically powered by electricity.
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