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underhung bridge crane
Podrobna predstavitev podvisnega žerjava za prodajo
Feb 02, 2024
An underhung crane, also known as an under-running crane or underhung bridge crane, is a type of overhead crane where the bridge (horizontal beam) is supported by the building structure, and the hoist and trolley run along the bottom flange of the bridge.
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top running overhead cranes
Kako pravilno vzdrževati mostni žerjav na vrhu
12. januar 2024
Industrijski električni vrhnji mostni žerjav je na tej stopnji pogosto uporabljen tip na področju žerjavov. Sestavljen je iz štirih glavnih delov: glavnega nosilca, končnega nosilca, vozička in električnih naprav. Običajno se uporablja v številnih industrijskih proizvodnih in dvižnih prevozih, kot so notranji in zunanji železniški promet, rudarska podjetja, jeklarska industrija, pristanišča in terminali itd., Kar spodbuja hiter razvoj obsežne industrijske proizvodnje in dvižnega transporta.
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underhung overhead crane for sale
Komponente in metode delovanja mostnega žerjava Underhung z dvojnim nosilcem
16. januar 2024
Dvogredni mostni žerjav SEVENCRANE je običajno mostni žerjav z električnimi vozički. Parametri zmogljivosti dvogrednega mostnega žerjava vključujejo: dvižno zmogljivost, dvižno višino, razpon, delovno hitrost mehanizma, delovni nivo, pritisk koles itd.
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overhead bridge crane
Deli za montažo in deli za vzdrževanje mostnega žerjava z dvojnim nosilcem
10. januar 2024
Industrijski električni podvisni dvogredni mostni žerjav ima vrhunsko zmogljivost, kompaktno strukturo, majhno težo, zanesljivost in delovanje ter lahko izpolni različne delovne pogoje. Lahko zmanjša celotno naložbo v tovarno, izboljša učinkovitost proizvodnje, zmanjša stroške vzdrževanja in prihrani porabo energije pri obratovanju.
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underhung bridge crane
Safety Operating Regulations of Underhung Bridge Crane
9. januar 2024
Industry electric underhung bridge crane is a major lifting and transportation equipment in the production logistics process, and its utilization efficiency is related to the production rhythm of the enterprise. At the same time, underhung bridge cranes are also dangerous special equipment and may cause harm to people and property in the event of an accident. The driver of the overhead crane is the most active and critical factor in the use of the overhead crane. The driver's ability to operate the overhead crane is very important and is a major issue directly related to the company's efficiency and safe production. The author summarizes his own practical experience in operating bridge cranes and puts forward the following operating experience based on the characteristics of bridge cranes.
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What is the typical percentage of the total cost for the transportation, installation, commissioning and maintenance of overhead cranes?
Aug 16, 2023
The cost of transportation, installation, commissioning and maintenance of bridge cranes will usually account for a part of the total cost, but the specific proportion will be affected by many factors, including the type of crane, size, design requirements, installation location and operating environment, etc.
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