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Domov > horný bežiaci žeriav
Transmission form of electric top-running overhead crane and trolley transfer mechanism
Nov 21, 2023
The most common crane used in the workshop - the electric overhead traveling crane is the most common type of crane used in the workshop. Equipped with CD and MD hoists, they are light and small cranes. The lifting capacity range is generally between 1-16t and the span is between 6-25 meters. For larger tonnage lifting capacity and span, it is best to choose an electric double-girder crane. The use environment is controlled within the range of -30-+40℃.
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Driving method of the operating mechanism of the overhead traveling bridge crane
Nov 21, 2023
The trolley operating mechanism of the overhead traveling bridge crane is the transport mechanism of the entire crane, including the motor, controller, coupling, transmission shaft, reducer, angular bearing box and trolley wheels, etc.
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Safety operating instructions for top running crane lifting operations
Nov 16, 2023
1. During lifting operations, it is necessary to have a comprehensive understanding of the working environment, travel routes, buildings, and object weights at the work site. 2. Operators should sound the signal before carrying out lifting, turning, luffing, walking, hook lifting and other actions, and strictly implement the commander's signal. Special operators must have a special operation safety operation certificate.
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Aké je typické percento celkových nákladov na prepravu, inštaláciu, uvedenie do prevádzky a údržbu mostových žeriavov?
Aug 16, 2023
Náklady na prepravu, inštaláciu, uvedenie do prevádzky a údržbu mostových žeriavov budú zvyčajne predstavovať časť celkových nákladov, ale konkrétny podiel bude ovplyvnený mnohými faktormi, vrátane typu žeriavu, veľkosti, konštrukčných požiadaviek, miesta inštalácie a prevádzky. prostredie a pod.
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Aké faktory v konkrétnom projekte ovplyvnia podiel nákladov na dopravu, inštaláciu, uvedenie do prevádzky a údržbu mostového žeriavu?
Aug 16, 2023
In a specific project, the following factors may affect the proportion of overhead crane transportation, installation, commissioning and maintenance costs:
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What is single girder overhead crane?
Aug 04, 2023
Single-girder cranes usually refer to single-girder bridge cranes. The main girders of electric overhead traveling crane bridges mostly use I-shaped steel or a combined section of steel and steel plates. Lifting trolleys are often assembled with chain hoists, electric hoists or hoists as lifting mechanism components.
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