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Domov > rtg crane
Factory Directly Provide Rubber Tyred Gantry Crane Price
Jun 28, 2024
Conventional gantry cranes are used for installation on roads or railways. It lowers a cable connected to a hook point on the storage container. The gantry crane then lifts the container and moves it further for stacking or loading onto a trailer for shipment. Rubber tyred gantry cranes also work on a similar principle. The difference is that the entire device can be moved from one location to another.
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50-tonový RTG portálový žeriav s gumovými pneumatikami s CE certifikáciou
Jun 05, 2024
Rubber tyred gantry cranes (RTG) are mobile systems that can move and stack storage containers easily. Like conventional gantry cranes, they operate on the railway system and are used in the locations like stockyards, where box-shaped containers are deployed.
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Aplikácie a prevádzkové metódy portálového žeriavu s gumovou pneumatikou
22. mája 2024
Portálové žeriavy s gumovými pneumatikami alebo RTG žeriavy sú mobilné systémy, ktoré môžu ľahko presúvať skladovacie kontajnery. Veľkú pozornosť venujeme detailom s pokročilým jadrom zdvíhacích komponentov, ako sú motory, ovládacie prvky a reduktory. Nájdete ich v hybridnom, naftovom, elektrickom pohone a aktívnej regulácii záťaže, ktorá zabraňuje kývaniu, a v mnohých ďalších konkurenčných prvkoch.
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30T 40T Kontajnerový žeriav s gumovými pneumatikami
Apr 24, 2024
Rubber tyred gantry crane (RTG) is a special equipment for dismantling, loading and unloading international standard containers. Running and moving in the yard, it has the advantages of high production efficiency, good maneuverability, and low sensitivity to ground unevenness. RTG crane is available in tractor trolley and standard trolley models. The RTG crane is powered by a cable drum. At the same time, a diesel generator set is equipped in the event of a power outage or the crane is moved to another yard.
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Na aké scenáre a odvetvia je portálový žeriav s gumovými pneumatikami vhodný?
Apr 08, 2024
The rtg crane price is reasonably affordable and easy to operate.And the automated rubber tyred gantry crane is very widely used in a variety of industries.
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