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Aké je typické percento celkových nákladov na prepravu, inštaláciu, uvedenie do prevádzky a údržbu mostových žeriavov?
Aug 16, 2023
Náklady na prepravu, inštaláciu, uvedenie do prevádzky a údržbu mostových žeriavov budú zvyčajne predstavovať časť celkových nákladov, ale konkrétny podiel bude ovplyvnený mnohými faktormi, vrátane typu žeriavu, veľkosti, konštrukčných požiadaviek, miesta inštalácie a prevádzky. prostredie a pod.
Čítaj viac
Aké faktory v konkrétnom projekte ovplyvnia podiel nákladov na dopravu, inštaláciu, uvedenie do prevádzky a údržbu mostového žeriavu?
Aug 16, 2023
In a specific project, the following factors may affect the proportion of overhead crane transportation, installation, commissioning and maintenance costs:
Čítaj viac
What is single girder overhead crane?
Aug 04, 2023
Single-girder cranes usually refer to single-girder bridge cranes. The main girders of electric overhead traveling crane bridges mostly use I-shaped steel or a combined section of steel and steel plates. Lifting trolleys are often assembled with chain hoists, electric hoists or hoists as lifting mechanism components.
Čítaj viac
What is the difference between single girder and double girder crane?
Aug 04, 2023
Bridge cranes can be divided into single-girder and double-girder bridge cranes according to their categories.
Čítaj viac
What are the three basic types of overhead cranes?
Aug 03, 2023
General bridge crane General-purpose bridge cranes are bridge cranes that work in general environments, and their pick-up devices are hooks or grabs or lifting electromagnets (electromagnetic chucks), or two or three of them are used at the same time
Čítaj viac
What are the three special types of overhead cranes?
Aug 03, 2023
Insulated Bridge Cranes Insulated bridge cranes refer to cranes that work in the environment of smelting workshops of non-ferrous metals such as electrolytic aluminum, magnesium, lead, zinc, and copper.
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