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Domov > 1 ton jib crane
1tonový stĺpový žeriav s elektrickým reťazovým kladkostrojom
23. mája 2024
Stĺpový výložníkový žeriav sa skladá zo stĺpika, výkyvného výložníka, elektrického kladkostroja, pohonného zariadenia a elektrického riadiaceho systému. Spodná časť stĺpa je upevnená na betónovom základe kotevnými skrutkami, hnacie zariadenie je poháňané motorom na otáčanie výkyvného výložníka a elektrický kladkostroj sa vratne pohybuje a beží na výkyvnom výložníku.
Čítaj viac
What are the dangers of not maintaining the jib crane?
Dec 04, 2023
The jib crane is a mobile jib-type crane that is flexible and adaptable. It is an essential independent emergency hoisting equipment for efficient automatic production lines. It can ensure the smooth flow of the production line. It is widely used in factories, mines, workshops, outdoors, small equipment installation in warehouses, loading and unloading of goods and workpieces, and places with low buildings that are not suitable for erecting and driving.
Čítaj viac
What is a jib crane?
Dec 04, 2023
The jib crane is a practical light work station lifting equipment. It can be installed in any situation you can imagine. It has the characteristics of simple structure, high efficiency, energy saving, trouble-saving, small footprint, easy operation and maintenance, etc. Suitable for short distance, frequent use and intensive lifting operations.
Čítaj viac
What operations need to be performed after the jib crane is installed?
Dec 04, 2023
1. Install the cantilever crane according to the design requirements and keep records. 2. Check whether the tightening points of each screw meet the regulations. If there is any looseness, tighten it. 3. Check whether all parts of the cantilever crane are complete and whether they are installed correctly.
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Výber výložníkového žeriavu
Dec 04, 2023
A jib crane, just like its name, is a crane that looks like a hand. One end is fixed, and it rotates around the fixed end. The sector formed by the rotation is the working area. This is also a crane selected based on the transportation object and the workplace.
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