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Precautions for Operating Ceiling Mounted Bridge Crane

Date: 2024-01-11
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The industry electric ceiling mounted bridge crane is a large machine and requires certain requirements for operation. Otherwise, unnecessary material losses and personal dangers may occur. So what should we pay attention to when operating it? The following article will take you through it.

single girder overhead crane

1. Before operating the SEVENCRANE ceiling mounted bridge crane, you should do the following:

(1) Understand the power supply and whether there is a temporary power outage for maintenance;

(2) Turn off the power and check the condition of each mechanism of the crane, whether each brake is normal, whether the fixing bolts of each part are loose, and whether there are any loose objects on the vehicle;

(3) Add lubricating grease to each lubrication point according to regulations;

(4) Check whether there are any objects on or near the running track that may hinder the operation;

(5) Before powering on, the driver must turn all controller handles to the zero position and close the doors of each passage.

ceiling mounted overhead crane

2. Ring the bell and start the car. Start the car smoothly and accelerate gear by gear. The conversion time between each gear of the lifting mechanism is 1-2S; the conversion time between each gear of the operating mechanism is more than 3S;

3. When lifting an object for the first time in each shift, the object should be lifted 0.5m above the ground first, and then lowered. During the process of lowering the object, first test whether the brake is reliable, and then proceed with normal operations;

4. Overload operation is prohibited. For objects close to the rated load, the second gear should be used for test lifting. If it cannot be lifted, it means that the weight of the object exceeds the rated load of the vehicle, and it cannot be quickly shifted to the high gear and lifted directly;

5. When lifting objects, sudden lifting is prohibited;

6. It is prohibited to lift objects buried underground or condensed on the ground, as well as objects hooked to vehicles and equipment to prevent the wire rope from breaking;

7. Clamping and hanging are prohibited. Because diagonal pulling will cause the object to swing and the wire rope to come out of the groove;

8. It is prohibited to pass over people’s heads when lifting objects, and it is prohibited to stand on people when lifting objects. Lifted objects should go through designated channels. The bottom surface of the hoist or hoisted object must be more than 2m above the ground. When crossing an obstacle, it should be more than 0.5m higher than the obstacle;

9. The operator should send signals according to the following regulations during operation: when lifting or lowering objects, when driving large or small vehicles, when a vehicle approaches another vehicle in the span; when lifting objects approach people on the ground, the bell must be sounded. When the crane is passing through an area with unclear sight, and when someone is staying on the hoisting passage, the bell must be sounded continuously to send a signal;

10. When the ceiling mounted bridge crane with complete runways is running normally, it is prohibited to use emergency switches, limit switches, reverse driving and other means to stop the vehicle, except when emergency parking is required to prevent an accident;

11. It is prohibited to keep objects suspended in the air for a long time while driving. When lifting objects while driving, workers are not allowed to leave their jobs at will;

12. When the voltage drops significantly and the power is interrupted, the main power switch must be cut off, and all controller handles must be returned to zero position to stop working;

double girder ceiling mounted crane

13. It is prohibited to use hooks or objects on hooks to transport or lift people;

14. When two cranes lift the same heavy object, the weight shall not exceed 85% of the total lifting capacity of the two heavy duty ceiling mounted bridge cranes, and ensure that each crane is not overloaded;

15. When lifting heavier objects, liquid metal, flammable, explosive and dangerous goods, you must first lift slowly 100-200mm from the ground, and verify that the brakes work reliably before officially lifting;

16. You must concentrate during operation and do not do irrelevant things, such as answering mobile phones;

17. It is not allowed to pile up debris (cotton, clothes, shoes and other flammable items) in the driver’s cab, and no water is allowed on the ground (including the use of water to mop the driver’s cab floor and teacups, and the air-conditioning water bucket must be placed in a designated place). In summer, the air-conditioner There is no water bucket and air conditioners are not allowed to be used.

The above are the precautions introduced this time about the SEVENCRANE underhung overhead crane. Everyone should pay attention to these at all times when using it, so as to ensure that the work can be carried out safely and without error.