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Jualan Panas China Terima Penyesuaian Kren Gantry Dipasang Rel

Date: 2024-07-25
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Rail mounted gantry crane (RMG) is an innovative and efficient container handling solution. With its advanced design and features, it offers unmatched performance in a wide range of applications. Thanks to its specially designed container lifter, RMG is able to lift containers with ease. Rail mounted gantry crane is affordable and is the perfect choice to improve your work efficiency.

Advanced performance: The gantry crane on tracks is designed for efficient and seamless container handling operations. It provides precise, smooth movement, ensuring minimal downtime and maximum productivity.


High productivity: Its efficient design and advanced technology help improve productivity in container handling. Its fast lifting capacity combined with precise positioning minimizes the time spent on each container move.


Good maneuverability: The rail-mounted design offers excellent maneuverability and allows for easy navigation and positioning within the container yard.


Wide range of applications: The gantry crane on tracks is suitable for a wide range of industries and applications, including container terminals, intermodal facilities and logistics centers.


Low sensitivity to ground unevenness: Its track design ensures that it remains stable and efficient even on uneven ground.


Customization: RMG can be customized to your specific operating requirements to ensure optimal performance and efficiency. Rail mounted gantry crane price is also an important factor in choosing a crane.


The lifting speed is low and the long-distance travel speed is high. According to the needs of the container yard, the lifting height of the kren gantri yang dipasang di rel is determined by three or four piles or four or five piles. Since the lifting height is not high, the lifting speed is correspondingly low. However, the container yard generally has a long length along the running track. In order to achieve a certain productivity, the long-line running speed of the crane is higher.


When the span exceeds 40m, the kren gantri yang dipasang di rel will produce deviation during high-speed operation due to the different running resistance of the legs on both sides. For this reason, a synchronization device is set to synchronize the running speed of the running mechanisms on both sides through an electrical control system.