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Namai > stacionarus portalinis kranas
gantry crane for sale
Ožinio krano vairuotojų saugaus eksploatavimo reikalavimai
Mar 26, 2024
1. Only drivers with certificates can operate the crane independently. Non-drivers are not allowed to enter the cab. 2. Carry out the handover work carefully. The handover person should introduce the situation to the successor, and the successor should read the handover diary and inspect the crane. 3. Wear labor protection equipment correctly. Do not drink alcohol before going to work. Lifting work is prohibited after drinking.
Skaityti daugiau
underhung bridge crane
2024 m. gegužės 28–31 d. būsime BAUMA CTT Russia
2024 m. kovo 25 d
SEVENCRANE dalyvaus BAUMA CTT Russia 2024 m. gegužės 28-31 dienomis. Tikimės, kad klientai iš viso pasaulio tuo metu atvyks į mūsų stendą pabendrauti su mumis apie mūsų gaminius. Laukiame Jūsų parodoje!
Skaityti daugiau
gantry crane on sale
Saugos apsaugos įtaisas ir ožinio krano apribojimo funkcija
Mar 20, 2024
When the gantry crane is in use, it is a safety protection device that can effectively prevent overloading. It is also called a lifting capacity limiter. Its safety function is to stop the lifting action when the crane's lifting load exceeds the rated value, thereby avoiding overloading accidents.
Skaityti daugiau
single gantry crane
Let’s Meet at M&T EXPO 2024 in Sao Paulo, Brazil on April 23-26, 2024
Mar 19, 2024
SEVENCRANE will meet you at M&T EXPO 2024 in Sao Paulo, Brazil on April 23-26, 2024.
Skaityti daugiau
gantry crane for sale
Įvadas į ožinių kranų klasifikaciją ir darbinius lygius
Mar 07, 2024
Gantry crane is a bridge-type crane whose bridge is supported on the ground track through outriggers on both sides.
Skaityti daugiau
gantry crane on sale
Ožinių kranų techninės priežiūros punktai žiemą
Mar 01, 2024
Our products are exported to more than 80 countries around the world. It is worth mentioning that our customers have all given good feedback after using our cranes.
Skaityti daugiau