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> 블로그 > 밸런싱 크레인을 소개하겠습니다. 밸런싱 크레인과 캔틸레버 크레인의 차이점은 무엇입니까?

밸런싱 크레인을 소개하겠습니다. 밸런싱 크레인과 캔틸레버 크레인의 차이점은 무엇입니까?

날짜: 2023-12-04
우리를 공유해 주세요:

The balance crane belongs to the lifting machinery. Jib crane for sale 3차원 공간에서 자재 취급 및 설치 시 노동력 절약 작업에 사용되는 새로운 전력 보조 장비입니다. 힘 균형 원리를 교묘하게 적용하여 조립이 편리하고 빠르며 정확한 위치 지정이 가능합니다. 재료는 정격 스트로크 내에서 3차원 공간에 매달려 있으며 재료의 상하좌우 회전은 수동으로 마음대로 할 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 작업자는 무게를 살짝 밀고 당기는 방식으로 공간에서 균형 잡힌 방식으로 무게를 이동하고 위치를 잡을 수 있습니다. 방대하고 심오한 한자 덕분에 세븐크레인 지브 크레인 판매 are also called power-assisted manipulators. Balancers, manipulators, balance boosters, manual transfer machines, etc. are mostly named according to the functions and applications of the equipment.

Balanced hanging composition
A set of balancing 판매용 산업용 지브 크레인 equipment mainly consists of three parts: the main machine, the grabbing fixture, and the suspension device.

The host is the main device that realizes the gravity-free floating state of materials (or workpieces) in the air, such as hoists, balancers, smart cranes, etc.

The grabbing fixture is a device that realizes workpiece grabbing and completes the user’s corresponding handling and assembly requirements, such as hooks, suction cups, etc.
The suspension device is a mechanism that supports the entire set of equipment according to the user’s service area and site conditions, including: columns, cantilevers, folding arms, air pipes, tracks, etc.

Balancing cranes can be divided into three categories based on power: mechanical balancing cranes, pneumatic balancing cranes and hydraulic balancing cranes.

Mechanical balancing crane is the most common type of balancing crane, which uses a motor to drive materials up to lift goods. The main machine usually used is a hoist. According to the type of hoist, it can be divided into many types of balancing cranes, such as electric balancing cranes. Frequency conversion balancing crane, servo 판매용 최고 제조업체 지브 크레인, etc.

Pneumatic balancing crane is a piece of equipment that has developed rapidly in recent years. It uses pneumatic as the power source, absorbs materials through vacuum negative pressure, and drives the materials up and down by pumping and inflating the air pipe. Because suction cups are more convenient and faster than traditional clamps in sucking materials, and pneumatic is safer, pneumatic balancing cranes are currently widely used in the pharmaceutical and food industries. Lude Tongda has currently installed products on a large scale across the country and has very rich industry experience.

Hydraulic balancing crane is the most common traditional balancing crane that uses hydraulic pressure to lift and lower materials. It is the earliest and most widely used in history.

Balance cranes should really be classified as a type of cantilever crane, because cantilever cranes are classified more widely, such as self-standing, low static air, wall, walking, telescopic, folding arm, etc. The balancing crane also achieves hoisting and balancing through the cantilever. Therefore, the balancing crane can be called a cantilever crane, but the cantilever crane is not entirely a 판매용 최고 공장 지브 크레인.