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Үй > underhung cranes
Еуропалық дизайндағы электрлік көтергіші бар бір арқалық астындағы кран
Jun 12, 2024
If you choose to use a traditional overhead crane, the actual operating space of the factory will be reduced, which will have a certain impact on the company's operations. In response to this problem, SEVENCRANE has launched a European underhung bridge crane that can operate freely and unrestricted even in a low-height factory.
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Ілініп тұрған крандардың төзімділігін қалай қамтамасыз етуге болады?
29 қараша, 2023 жыл
The durability of underhung cranes mainly depends on factors such as their design quality, manufacturing process and material selection. Generally speaking, high-quality underhung cranes have high durability and can maintain stable performance under long-term, high-intensity use conditions. Some key factors in evaluating the durability of underhung cranes are: structural design, manufacturing process, material selection, lubrication and maintenance.
Ары қарай оқу
Basic characteristics of underhung cranes
29 қараша, 2023 жыл
Feature 1 of underhung cranes: light weight. After the modular design of the crane software and the use of technology, the hoist, end beam and main beam adopt a reasonable structure. The dead weight is much lighter than traditional cranes. The wheel pressure on the track is small, there are fewer requirements on the factory building, the scope of application is wider, and the factory building cost is saved.
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