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Үй > sevencrane top running crane for sale
top running crane on sale
Introduction and Working Characteristics of Top Running Cranes
Nov 24, 2023
Top running crane is a lifting equipment that is placed horizontally over workshops, warehouses and yards for lifting materials. They are mounted on rails on top of the building's support structure, allowing the crane to move along the length of the building. Top running overhead crane is the most commonly used crane type which has a fixed track system installed on the top of each runway beam. The lifting capacity of top running overhead crane will not be limited and it can be manufactured to lift loads from 1 ton to 450 tons. Since the crane is supported by steel support columns or existing concrete steel building support structures, it is very suitable for moving extremely heavy loads.
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Introduction to safety devices for overhead traveling bridge cranes
Nov 21, 2023
(1) The comprehensive error of the overload limiter should not be greater than 5%, and the number of lifting and lifting weight can be recorded. (2) When the load reaches 90% of the rated lifting capacity, an alarm signal should be issued; when it is 100-110% of the rated lifting capacity, the power supply for the lifting control of the hanging object should be automatically cut off through interlock control.
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Transmission form of electric top-running overhead crane and trolley transfer mechanism
Nov 21, 2023
The most common crane used in the workshop - the electric overhead traveling crane is the most common type of crane used in the workshop. Equipped with CD and MD hoists, they are light and small cranes. The lifting capacity range is generally between 1-16t and the span is between 6-25 meters. For larger tonnage lifting capacity and span, it is best to choose an electric double-girder crane. The use environment is controlled within the range of -30-+40℃.
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Driving method of the operating mechanism of the overhead traveling bridge crane
Nov 21, 2023
The trolley operating mechanism of the overhead traveling bridge crane is the transport mechanism of the entire crane, including the motor, controller, coupling, transmission shaft, reducer, angular bearing box and trolley wheels, etc.
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