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Introduction and Working Characteristics of Top Running Cranes

Date: 2023-11-24
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Top running crane is a lifting equipment that is placed horizontally over workshops, warehouses and yards for lifting materials. They are mounted on rails on top of the building’s support structure, allowing the crane to move along the length of the building. Top running overhead crane is the most commonly used crane type which has a fixed track system installed on the top of each runway beam. The lifting capacity of жоғарыдан жұмыс істейтін аспалы кран will not be limited and it can be manufactured to lift loads from 1 ton to 450 tons. Since the top running crane is supported by steel support columns or existing concrete steel building support structures, it is very suitable for moving extremely heavy loads. What’s more, the heavy duty top running crane cost reasonable and help to save factory space for you.

top running crane for sale

The crane and trolley are suspended from main beams that span the width of the building. Top running bridge crane is a kind of lifting machinery with wide range of use and large quantity. Top running cranes are important tools and equipment for mechanizing and automating the production process in modern industrial production and lifting transportation. They can reduce the labor intensity of operators and improve productivity. Top running cranes are widely used in industrial and mining enterprises, steel and chemical industries, railway transportation, ports and terminals, logistics turnover and other departments and places. It is an indispensable piece of equipment in people’s production activities.

There are many types of top running cranes, among which general bridge cranes and gantry cranes are more common. The structures and operating methods of these two types of cranes are basically the same. The difference lies in the position of the trolley running track. The industrial electric top running crane for sale is at high altitude. The gantry crane is on the ground, which brings about different support structures.

overhead crane top running

Although there are different types and models of top running bridge cranes, with differences in appearance and structure, they all have one thing in common, which is the intermittent working method. A working cycle generally includes: displacing the material through the lifting and lowering of the fetching device, and then moving in the opposite direction to return to the original position or another position for the next working cycle. Between the two working cycles, time, usually a short interval. It can be seen that when the top running bridge crane is working, each mechanism is often in alternating motion states of starting, running, braking, and forward and reverse phases. In addition, top running overhead cranes also have the following working characteristics:

1. Көтергіш машиналар әдетте үлкен металл құрылымы және салыстырмалы түрде күрделі механикалық құрылымға ие. Ол бір көтеру, түсіру немесе бірнеше көлденең қозғалыстарды аяқтай алады. Операция кезінде бір уақытта әртүрлі бағытта бірнеше қозғалыстар жиі болады, бұл техникалық қиын.

2. The materials to be hoisted are diverse, and the load also changes. The weight can range from tens of tons, or even hundreds or thousands of tons, to the light weight of tens of kilograms; the length can range from tens of meters to less than 1 meter; and the shape can vary. Regulations, as well as granular, hot-melt and flammable and explosive materials, make lifting work complicated and dangerous.

3. Кран жабдықтарының көпшілігі үлкен диапазонда жұмыс істеуі керек, ал кейбіреулері қозғалыс үшін кең орын және үлкен қауіпті беттерге ие рельстермен, болат дөңгелектермен немесе шина тәрізді шынжыр табандармен жабдықталған.

4. Көтергіш персоналмен (мысалы, ілгектер мен арқандар сияқты) тікелей байланыста болатын көптеген ашық қозғалатын бөліктер бар.

5. The working environment is complex. There are lifting equipment in operation in industrial and mining enterprises, ports, construction sites and other places. The operation will also encounter dangerous factors such as high temperature, high pressure, flammable, explosive, power transmission lines, strong magnetic fields, etc. These Adverse conditions are detrimental to both people and equipment.

6. Операциялар көбінесе адам ынтымақтастығын талап етеді және айтарлықтай қиын. Операторлар мен командирлерден ынтымақтасу, бірлесіп жұмыс істеу және бір-біріне шеберлікпен қарау қажет. Операторлардың жұмыс орнындағы төтенше жағдайларды жою мүмкіндігі болуы керек.

top running crane for sale

With the rapid development of modern industry and the continuous advancement of science and technology, some new changes and new characteristics have appeared in the structural design and degree of automation of overhead cranes.

For example, in terms of structure, the custom top running crane manufacturer uses computer optimization design to improve the mechanical performance of the crane and reduce its own weight. In terms of performance, we continue to introduce advanced foreign technologies and adopt novel energy-saving speed regulation systems, such as thyristor cascade open-loop or closed-loop systems. The speed regulation ratio can reach 1:30. As the requirements for speed regulation increase, variable frequency speed regulation systems And microcomputer control technology has also been applied in cranes.

In short, with the rapid development of science and technology, various domestic advanced electrical control and mechanical technologies are gradually being applied to cranes, and the cranes produced by SEVENCRANE top running crane factory  are becoming more and more automated, with increasingly simpler structures, more reliable performance, and higher lifting capacity It’s getting bigger and bigger, and the variety is getting more and more complete.