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Casa > Vendo gru a bandiera a pavimento
Why do factories choose to buy jib cranes?
Nov 20, 2023
When your factory space is not big enough, manual transportation and lifting heavy objects laborious and unsafe, how to do? Jib cranes are the right choice for you. Jib cranes save time and labor, which is conducive to improving work efficiency. You can also install it on the wall column, saving space, convenient and fast.
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jib crane
Come utilizzare una gru a bandiera in modo sicuro?
03 novembre 2023
Per utilizzare una gru a bandiera in sicurezza, gli operatori devono essere sempre vigili durante il funzionamento. Di seguito verranno spiegate in dettaglio alcune precauzioni durante l'utilizzo della gru a bandiera. Innanzitutto, il personale addetto deve consegnare con cura il turno, verificare attentamente l'affidabilità dei ganci, dei fili di acciaio, dei freni e dei dispositivi di protezione di sicurezza e segnalare tempestivamente eventuali anomalie. In secondo luogo, prima di iniziare l'operazione della gru a braccio.
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What is the approximate price of a floor mounted jib crane
Oct 09, 2023
The price of a floor-mounted jib crane depends on a number of factors, including lifting capacity, size, brand, model, configuration, and market supply and demand. As a result, it is difficult to give an accurate price range. However, in general, floor-mounted jib cranes typically cost between tens of thousands and millions of dollars.
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What are the dimensions and weight of the floor mounted jib crane
Oct 09, 2023
The size and weight of a floor mounted jib crane may vary depending on the specific model and specifications. Below is some general reference information:
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What is a floor-mounted jib crane
Oct 09, 2023
A floor-mounted jib crane is a ground crane with a rotating jib and lifting capacity. It usually consists of the following main parts:
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Quali sono i dispositivi di sicurezza delle gru a bandiera elettriche
Oct 09, 2023
Electric jib cranes are usually equipped with a variety of safety devices to ensure safety during lifting. The following are some common safety devices:
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