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Cantilever crane – the ideal lifting machinery
Dec 04, 2023
The jib crane is a light crane suitable for low work intensity. It consists of three parts: a column, a swing arm and a driving device, and an electric hoist. The bottom of the column is fixed on the concrete or movable chassis through anchor bolts. The cantilever is a hollow steel structure with the characteristics of light weight, large span and fast running speed under hoisting load.
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Crane knowledge – clean cantilever crane
Dec 04, 2023
Clean jib crane is a lifting equipment often used in modern industry. It is a kind of light lifting equipment. The Volken clean cantilever crane is a new generation of clean and light lifting equipment made to adapt to modern production. The product has a compact structure and a small column footprint. It can achieve a large lifting height and hoisting even when the lifting clearance is very small. scope. It can greatly shorten handling time and improve work efficiency. It is an ideal solution for material handling in light and small clean rooms.
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Prosedur pengoperasian keselamatan untuk jib crane
Dec 04, 2023
Personil peralatan jib crane harus memiliki sertifikat yang relevan untuk suku cadang pengganti sebelum dioperasikan. Penting untuk mengenakan helm pengaman, pakaian yang sesuai, dan sabuk pengaman saat bekerja. Peralatan pengangkat profesional diperlukan selama pengangkatan, dan derek yang sesuai harus dipilih berdasarkan beban derek kantilever itu sendiri.
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Izinkan saya memperkenalkan Anda pada derek penyeimbang. Apa perbedaan antara derek penyeimbang dan derek kantilever?
Dec 04, 2023
The balance crane belongs to the lifting machinery. It is a novel power-assisted equipment used for labor-saving operation during material handling and installation in three-dimensional space. It cleverly applies the force balance principle, making assembly convenient and fast, and positioning accurate. The material is suspended in three-dimensional space within the rated stroke, and the up, down, left, and right rotation of the material can be done manually at will.
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Apa saja ciri-ciri dan ciri-ciri jenis jib crane?
Dec 04, 2023
Jib crane kolom tetap adalah alat pengangkat ringan. Fitur utamanya adalah respons sensitif, pengoperasian sederhana dan nyaman, serta jangkauan penggunaan yang luas. Seperti bengkel produksi, jalur instalasi, jalur produksi, garasi, dermaga, dll. Misalnya, pemeliharaan beberapa produk juga dapat menggunakan derek kantilever kolom tetap. Derek jenis ini lebih cocok untuk pengoperasian di ketinggian rendah, dan sudut putarannya 360° atau kurang dari 180°.
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How to choose a cantilever crane? You will understand after reading this introduction to cantilever cranes!
Dec 04, 2023
Cantilever cranes are industrial components. They are a new generation of light lifting equipment made to adapt to modern production. They are suitable for short-distance, frequently used, and intensive lifting operations. They are efficient, energy-saving, labor-saving, small in footprint, and easy to operate. Maintenance and other advantages.
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