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Safety Operating Regulations of Underhung Bridge Crane

Date: 2024-01-09
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Industry electric underhung bridge crane is a major lifting and transportation equipment in the production logistics process, and its utilization efficiency is related to the production rhythm of the enterprise. At the same time, underhung bridge cranes are also dangerous special equipment and may cause harm to people and property in the event of an accident. The driver of the overhead crane is the most active and critical factor in the use of the overhead crane. The driver’s ability to operate the mostna dizalica is very important and is a major issue directly related to the company’s efficiency and safe production. The author summarizes his own practical experience in operating bridge cranes and puts forward the following operating experience based on the characteristics of bridge cranes.

underhung bridge crane for sale

1. Master the characteristics of SEVENCRANE underhung bridge crane and work objects

To correctly operate a bridge crane, you must carefully master key elements such as the equipment principle, equipment structure, equipment performance, equipment parameters, and operating process of the equipment you are operating. These key factors are closely related to the use and operation of this equipment.

1. Grasp the principle of equipment

Pažljivo razumijevanje principa je preduvjet i temelj za dobar rad opreme. Tek kada se principi jasno i duboko savladaju, teoretska osnova je uspostavljena, razumijevanje može biti jasno i duboko, a razina rada može dosegnuti određenu visinu.

2. Pažljivo svladajte strukturu opreme

Pažljivo svladavanje strukture opreme znači da morate razumjeti i ovladati glavnim strukturnim komponentama mosne dizalice. Mosne dizalice su posebna oprema i njihove konstrukcije imaju svoje posebnosti koje treba pažljivo razumjeti i savladati. Pažljivo ovladavanje strukturom opreme ključ je poznavanja opreme i vještog upravljanja opremom.

3. Pažljivo svladajte performanse opreme

To carefully grasp the performance of the equipment is to master the technical performance of each mechanism of the heavy duty underhung bridge crane, such as the power and mechanical performance of the motor, the characteristic braking state of the brake, and the safety and technical performance of the safety protection device, etc. Only by mastering the performance can we better take advantage of the situation, scientifically control the equipment, delay the deterioration process, and prevent and reduce the occurrence of failures.

bridge crane on sale

4. Pažljivo savladajte parametre opreme

Carefully mastering the equipment parameters means that you must understand and master the main technical parameters of the bridge crane, including work type, work level, rated lifting capacity, mechanism working speed, span, lifting height, etc. The technical parameters of each piece of equipment are often different. The technical parameters of the equipment are different, and there are differences in their performance. Careful knowledge of the exact parameter values for each overhead crane is critical to operating the equipment accurately.

5. Pažljivo svladati proces rada

Pažljivo ovladavanje radnim procesom znači ovladavanje proizvodnim radnim koracima i procesima koje opslužuje mosna dizalica, te težiti najboljem dizajnu i razumnom radu postupaka dizanja i transporta koji se koriste u različitim procesima. Samo vještim svladavanjem tijeka procesa možemo ovladati pravilima rada, biti sigurni i slobodno djelovati, kako bismo poboljšali radnu učinkovitost, sigurnost i pouzdanost.

2. Shvatite statusne promjene opreme

Mosna dizalica je posebna oprema, a rad i rad moraju osigurati tehnički status i neoštećeno stanje mosne dizalice. Tijekom rada mosnih dizalica na njih utječu čimbenici kao što su uvjeti proizvodnje i okoliš. Funkcije i tehnički status određeni tijekom izvornog dizajna i proizvodnje mogu se nastaviti mijenjati i smanjiti ili pogoršati. Stoga vozač mora pažljivo shvatiti promjene statusa opreme, dobro kontrolirati rad mosne dizalice i pažljivo obavljati održavanje i preglede kako bi spriječio i smanjio kvarove.

1. Pažljivo shvatite statusne promjene opreme

Opremu je potrebno pažljivo održavati. Sve dijelove mosne dizalice redovito čistite, čistite, podmazujte, podešavajte i zategnite u skladu sa zahtjevima sustava održavanja. Pravovremeno rješavajte razne probleme koji se u bilo kojem trenutku pojave, poboljšajte uvjete rada opreme, sasijecite probleme u začetku i izbjegnite nepotrebne gubitke. Praksa je pokazala da vijek trajanja opreme u velikoj mjeri ovisi o stupnju održavanja.

2. Carefully grasp the status changes of the underhung cranes

Pažljivo shvatite statusne promjene opreme i budite u mogućnosti provjeriti opremu. Razumjeti i ovladati dijelovima mosne dizalice koje je potrebno često pregledavati, te ovladati metodama i sredstvima pregledavanja dijelova.

3. Skills in monitoring equipment through senses

Skills in monitoring equipment through the senses, i.e. seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and feeling. “Visual” means to use vision to observe the surface of the equipment in order to detect intuitive defects and failures. “Listening” means relying on hearing to detect the status of the device. The driver operates in the cab and cannot see the operating conditions of the equipment on the bridge. Hearing becomes an important auxiliary safety means. When electrical appliances or mechanical equipment are operating normally, they generally only emit very light harmonic sounds, but when they are malfunctioning, they will make abnormal noises. Experienced drivers can determine the approximate location of the fault based on the different changes in the sound. Therefore, identifying diseases by sound should be one of the internal skills of a driver. “Smell” means relying on the sense of smell to detect the status of the device. The electrical coil of the bridge crane catches fire, and the brake pads smoke and emit a pungent odor that can be smelled from a distance. If you find any peculiar smell, you should stop the vehicle immediately for inspection to avoid causing fire or other major equipment accidents. “Touch” is to diagnose the abnormal status of the equipment through hand feeling. Drivers sometimes encounter abnormal conditions in equipment and are able to diagnose and determine the cause of the malfunction. “Jue” here refers to feeling or feeling. Drivers will feel information from all aspects when operating, and experience will tell you what is normal and what is abnormal. When drivers find that they feel different from usual at work, they should immediately trace the source to avoid future troubles.

underhung crane on sale

In short, it is the responsibility of the podvjesna mosna dizalica with complete runways driver to master and operate the overhead crane proficiently. SEVENCRANE has accumulated many years of operating overhead cranes, summarized and explored the above experience, and conducted an explanation and analysis, which is not comprehensive. We hope that this can attract criticism and guidance from colleagues and promote the common improvement of overhead crane drivers’ operating skills.