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How to operate a general purpose gantry crane safely

Date: 2023-02-11
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gantry crane safely


As the country’s safety and use management of hoisting machinery becomes increasingly strict, the safety of its operation and use is increasingly valued. The following is the specific operation method of how to safely operate the general-purpose gantry crane:

1. When lifting heavy objects, the hook wire rope should be kept vertical, and it is not allowed to drag the object obliquely.
2. The center of gravity of the heavy objects to be hoisted should be identified and tied firmly. The sharp angle should be padded with wooden skids.
3. Before the heavy objects are hoisted off the ground, the crane shall not perform slewing motion.
4. When lifting or lowering heavy objects, the speed should be uniform and stable to avoid sharp changes in speed, which will cause the heavy objects to swing in the air and cause danger. When dropping heavy objects, the speed should not be too fast, so as not to break the heavy objects when landing.
5. When the Rail mounted gantry crane is hoisting heavy, try to avoid the lifting arm. When the lifting arm must be hoisted, the lifting capacity shall not exceed 50% of the specified weight.
6. When the Industrial rolling gantry crane rotates under heavy lifting, pay close attention to whether there are obstacles around. If there are obstacles, try to avoid or clear them.
7. No personnel shall stay under the boom of the crane, and try to avoid the passage of personnel.
8. Two heavy duty gantry crane suppliers work on the same track, and the distance between the two machines should be greater than 3m.
9. When two outdoor gantry cranes jointly lift an object, the lifting capacity shall not exceed 75% of the total lifting capacity of the two cranes, and the two cranes must move and lift in the same way.
10. The steel wire rope needs to be inspected once a week, and a record should be made. The specific requirements should be carried out in accordance with the relevant regulations of the lifting wire rope.
11. When the empty car is running, the hook should be more than 2m above the ground.
12. When the wind exceeds level six, stop working immediately. The gantry crane must lay the iron wedge (rail stopper) and raise the hook to the upper limit. At the same time, close the doors and windows, cut off the power supply, and pull the wind rope. You should do the same after you finish your work.
13. It is strictly forbidden to pile up sundries on the platform of the Industrial rolling gantry crane, so as to prevent falling and hurting people during operation. Frequently used tools should be placed in the special tool box in the operating room.
14. During operation, it is not allowed to reverse the car, so as not to cause heavy objects to swing in the air, and it is not allowed to start two or more operating mechanisms (including auxiliary hooks) at the same time.
15. When driving, the operator’s hands must not leave the controller. When a failure occurs suddenly during operation, measures should be taken to safely land the heavy object, and then cut off the power supply for repairs. It is strictly forbidden to overhaul and maintain during operation.


gantry crane safely


The above is the operation method of the general gantry crane. If you want to know more about the general gantry crane, please continue to pay attention to us.

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