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Maison > Pont roulant à vendre
Double girder electric crane VS single girder electric crane
Oct 18, 2023
Structure: Double girder cranes differ from single girder cranes by having an additional bridge. This design allows for higher lifting capacity compared to other types of cranes.
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What can we do to serve you better?
Oct 18, 2023
We begin by gaining a comprehensive understanding of your specific application, building structure, tasks, and challenges. We then combine this knowledge with our expertise to provide you with a well-informed recommendation.
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Advantages of double girder overhead crane
Oct 18, 2023
The double-girder bridge crane is utilized for material lifting, equipment installation, and maintenance in various general working conditions. It is a widely employed lifting equipment, comprising the main beam, crane traveling mechanism, trolley, engine room, and electrical equipment.
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Avantages du pont roulant électrique monopoutre
Oct 18, 2023
The electric single-girder bridge crane is a workshop lifting equipment that utilizes an electric hoist and electric chain hoist as the lifting mechanism. It finds extensive applications in machining, assembly, repair, and warehouse environments.
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Classification et utilisations des ponts roulants
Oct 17, 2023
Un pont roulant est un dispositif mécanique utilisé pour soulever des objets lourds dans une portée fixe. Il est largement utilisé dans les ateliers, les entrepôts ou les espaces ouverts.
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Structure de base du pont roulant
Oct 17, 2023
There are many types of overhead cranes, but their basic construction is the same. The main components include girder, lifting device, end beam, girder traveling mechanism, lifting device traveling mechanism, track and electrical power, control device, etc.
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