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Especificaciones de la grúa pórtico automatizada montada sobre rieles

Fecha: 2023-09-22

Automated Rail Mounted Gantry (ARMG) cranes are commonly used in container terminals for the efficient handling and stacking of containers. The specifications of ARMG cranes can vary depending on the manufacturer, terminal requirements, and specific customization options. However, here are some typical specifications you may find:

Lifting Capacity: ARMG cranes are designed to handle containers of various sizes and weights. The lifting capacity can range from around 30 to 100 metric tons or higher, depending on the model and requirements.


Span: The span of an ARMG crane refers to the distance between the legs of the crane. It determines the width of the container stacking area the crane can cover. The span can typically range from around 20 to 40 meters or more.


Outreach: The outreach of an ARMG crane indicates the distance it can reach from the rail track to each side. It determines the stacking width and the ability to access containers in different rows. The outreach can typically range from around 6 to 18 meters or more.

Stack Height: ARMG cranes are designed to stack containers several tiers high. The stack height specification refers to the maximum height to which the crane can stack containers. It can range from around 4 to 8 containers high or more, depending on the crane model and configuration.


Rail Span: The rail span of an ARMG crane refers to the distance between the parallel rail tracks on which the crane operates. It determines the width of the container yard that can be covered by the crane. The rail span can typically range from around 30 to 50 meters or more.


Travel Speed: ARMG cranes have specified travel speeds for efficient movement along the rail tracks. The travel speed can vary depending on the manufacturer and model but is generally in the range of 50 to 150 meters per minute.


Hoisting Speed: The hoisting speed of an ARMG crane indicates the rate at which it can raise or lower containers. It is typically measured in meters per minute and can range from around 50 to 120 meters per minute or higher.


Trolley Travel Speed: The trolley travel speed refers to the speed at which the crane’s trolley can move horizontally along the gantry beam. It is typically measured in meters per minute and can range from around 50 to 150 meters per minute.


Control System: ARMG cranes are equipped with advanced control systems to automate and optimize container handling operations. These systems may include features such as automated stacking, container positioning, and real-time monitoring.

It’s important to note that these specifications can vary based on the specific model, customization options, and terminal requirements. When considering an ARMG crane, it’s crucial to consult with the manufacturer or supplier to understand the precise specifications and ensure they align with your terminal’s operational needs and requirements.