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Standardisierte Betriebs- und Nutzungsvorkehrungen für Werftkräne
Nov 24, 2023
Was die Betriebsverfahren für Werftkräne betrifft, müssen viele Mitarbeiter tatsächlich eine entsprechende Schulung absolvieren, bevor sie den Job antreten. Wir können keine Details ignorieren. Schauen wir uns nun die spezifischen Anforderungen der Betriebsverfahren an.
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Funktionsprinzip von Werftkränen und Methoden zur Vermeidung von Rutschungen bei Regen
Nov 24, 2023
Performance of shipyard crane: driving speed is lower than that of car type, higher than rail type, small turning radius, good off-road performance, uphill ability of 17% to 20%; tire gantry crane usually uses outriggers to lift weight, on flat ground You can work on all sides on the ground without using the outriggers, or you can walk slowly with a heavy weight on it. The stability performance is better.
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How to inspect the wire ropes of shipyard cranes for flaw?
Nov 24, 2023
The traditional wire rope flaw detection of port cranes has various disadvantages. The traditional hand-touching and visual inspection of calipers has various disadvantages. At present, weak magnetic wire rope flaw detectors have received more and more attention from customers. There are two types of weak magnetic flaw detection equipment for tire-type container gantry cranes. , a type of simple portable wire rope flaw detection machine, and another type of online flaw detection equipment for wire ropes fixed on the crane.
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The hazards and causes of deviation of crane trolleys in shipyards
Nov 24, 2023
Shipyard cranes are the main equipment for manufacturing ships. Currently, crane trolleys generally use rimless wheels and are designed with a guide device (horizontal wheel) added to one side of the track. This structural form reduces the manufacturing deviation and the impact of track gauge changes on the trolley operation under trolley load conditions. Rolling friction replaces sliding friction between the horizontal wheel and the side of the track, and the frictional resistance endured by the operating mechanism is greatly reduced.
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Characteristics of light tire-type container gantry cranes for ports
Nov 24, 2023
The light tire-type container gantry crane for ports can meet the loading and unloading needs of existing cargo types, and has functions such as customs declaration, inspection, foreign trade, and storage. Moreover, its operation efficiency is high and it can take into account the company's subsequent container development. Light tire-type container gantry crane has the following characteristics:
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Methoden zur Verbesserung der Umlenkung von Krankatzen in Werften
Nov 24, 2023
In recent years, with the increasing use of offset rail beam structures (square steel welded rails located inside the box-shaped main beam), the manufacturing requirements have become higher. Let's take this structure as an example to improve it from the manufacturing aspects such as component manufacturing and processing.
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