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Jednonosníkový mostový jeřáb na míru z továrny
25. dubna 2024
Zjednodušeně řečeno je mostový jeřáb stroj nebo zařízení, které vám umožňuje zvedat a přesouvat těžké materiály z jednoho místa na druhé přesným způsobem. Při definování mostového jeřábu neexistuje žádný přístup „jedna velikost pro všechny“, protože každý mostový jeřáb je pečlivě navržen a zkonstruován pro konkrétní účel nebo aplikaci tak, aby vyhovovala potřebám obchodní manipulace s materiálem.
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Jednonosníkový mostový jeřáb na míru pro dílenský sklad
Apr 16, 2024
Single girder overhead cranes are designed according to international standards. It is a lightweight material handling equipment with a single beam running on a suspended track, usually equipped with a CD or MD electric hoist. Single girder bridge cranes span 3-15 meters, operating speed 20 m/min and 30 m/min.It can be customized according to service conditions and user requirements.
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Evropský mostový jeřáb s jedním nosníkem
Oct 23, 2023
European-style single-girder bridge crane has light weight, small wheel pressure, reliable performance, easy operation, small margins, which can reduce early project investment in the workshop, low noise, low energy consumption, and environmental protection. This high-quality crane can significantly reduce maintenance costs.
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Double Girder Overhead Traveling Crane: A Heavy-Duty Solution for Efficient Material Handling
Oct 09, 2023
Double girder overhead traveling cranes are renowned for their robustness, high lifting capacity, and versatility in handling heavy loads. With their strong construction, precise control, and advanced features, these cranes provide significant benefits to industries requiring efficient material handling solutions.
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Double Beam Bridge Crane: Enhancing Industrial Material Handling Efficiency
Oct 09, 2023
Double beam bridge cranes, also known as double girder bridge cranes, are widely recognized for their exceptional load-bearing capacity, versatility, and efficiency in material handling operations.
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Top Running Single Girder Crane: A Reliable Solution for Heavy Lifting
Oct 09, 2023
Top running single girder cranes are widely recognized for their efficiency, versatility, and ability to handle heavy lifting tasks in various industrial settings.
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