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mounted jib crane
Jak vybrat vhodný závěsný jeřáb
30. listopadu 2023
Nástěnné jeřáby jsou výložníkové jeřáby, které jsou připevněny ke stěně nebo které jezdí po vyvýšených drahách na stěně nebo jiné nosné konstrukci. Nástěnné výložníkové jeřáby se používají v dílnách nebo skladech s velkými rozpony a vysokou výškou budov. Jsou nejvhodnější, když jsou časté zvedání u zdi. Nesené výložníkové jeřáby se většinou používají ve spojení s nosníkovým nebo mostovým jeřábem výše. Slouží obdélníkovému prostoru u stěny a jsou zodpovědné za zvedání světla a malých předmětů. Velké předměty nese nosník nebo mostový jeřáb.
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Jak zajistit odolnost podvěsných jeřábů?
29. listopadu 2023
The durability of underhung cranes mainly depends on factors such as their design quality, manufacturing process and material selection. Generally speaking, high-quality underhung cranes have high durability and can maintain stable performance under long-term, high-intensity use conditions. Some key factors in evaluating the durability of underhung cranes are: structural design, manufacturing process, material selection, lubrication and maintenance.
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Basic characteristics of underhung cranes
29. listopadu 2023
Feature 1 of underhung cranes: light weight. After the modular design of the crane software and the use of technology, the hoist, end beam and main beam adopt a reasonable structure. The dead weight is much lighter than traditional cranes. The wheel pressure on the track is small, there are fewer requirements on the factory building, the scope of application is wider, and the factory building cost is saved.
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What are underhung cranes?
29. listopadu 2023
Underhung cranes are light and small cranes that run on rails. They can be installed directly on the roof structure of the existing factory building without the need for corbels. Therefore, they can save space, reduce costs, and use the entire factory space for production. It has the characteristics of compact structure, good rigidity, sensitive operation, low noise, safety and reliability.
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Underhung cranes Necessary components, features and advantages in lifting mechanisms
29. listopadu 2023
The necessary components in the lifting mechanism of underhung cranes include the following parts: Wire rope or chain: used to connect lifting objects to the crane and assume the role of lifting and suspending the lifting objects; chains are generally used for heavier lifting objects, while wire ropes are suitable for larger tonnages.
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underhung cranes product introduction
29. listopadu 2023
Our underhung cranes offer maximum stiffness and minimum dead weight. This keeps loads on the crane runway to a minimum and allows for an economical and energy-efficient design to be chosen for the building. This approach provides you with an economical and energy-efficient solution. They also include loading and unloading speed lifting devices with high energy rates and offer advantages over conventional cranes, resulting in excellent ride qualities, in order to increase overall efficiency.
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