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Structural characteristics and usage environment of gantry crane

Date: 2023-11-10
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The yard gantry crane manufacturers has a simple structure and is easy to operate, and its bridge is firmly supported on the ground by brackets on both sides. It is like a dragon entrenched on the clouds, so the gantry crane is also called a gantry crane. The working places of gantry cranes are usually open-air environments such as seaside docks, railways or other large heavy industry factories. The temperature changes in the open-air environment are relatively drastic. For example, in some sites with relatively harsh environments, dust and harmful gases are significantly worse, and in During the work process, negative factors such as vibration and impact are detrimental to it. What is more serious is that when the capacity of the power supply transformer becomes smaller and the cross-section of the power supply cable shrinks, it often causes an instantaneous voltage shortage. .

Obecně řečeno, univerzální icena portálového jeřábu průmyslového dvora jsou poměrně běžné a vysoce praktické. Skládají se z portálu, ovládacího mechanismu vozíku, zvedacího vozíku a elektrických částí. The custom yard gantry crane company má pouze jednu stranu opřenou o zem. Konstrukce portálu zahrnuje horní most, výložníky, spodní nosníky a další díly. V dnešní době se provozní rozsah jeřábů rozšířil na široký sortiment. Hlavní nosník je možné upravit na konzolu nebo lze do určité míry využít zdvihacího vozíku k podpoře a uplatnění dosahu portálového jeřábu.

Podle různých strukturálních charakteristik, dodavatelé dvorních portálových jeřábů can be divided into hook gantry cranes, grab gantry cranes, electromagnetic gantry cranes, and dual- or three-purpose gantry cranes. Among them, the hook gantry crane is suitable for larger places, such as stations, docks, large enterprise factories, freight yards and warehouses; the grab gantry crane is suitable for some scattered and large-scale transportation; dual-purpose or Three-purpose gantry crane is used in places where materials change frequently.