Double-girder bridge crane is a commonly used bridge crane, used with electric trolleys. The performance parameters of the double-girder bridge crane include: lifting capacity, lifting height, span, mechanism working speed, working level, wheel pressure, etc. These parameters are explained in detail below:
1. Lifting capacity: refers to the maximum lifting weight allowed by the top manufacturer double girder overhead crane tokom normalnog rada.
2. Visina dizanja: razmak između gornje granične pozicije i donje granične pozicije rasipača (kuka ili elektromagnetna stezna glava, itd.).
3. Span: the distance between the vertical center lines of the wheels at both ends of the heavy duty double girder overhead crane’s main beam.
4. Radna brzina mehanizma (5. brzina)
(1) Brzina podizanja: odnosi se na brzinu podizanja motora mehanizma za podizanje pri nazivnoj brzini i kada je uređaj za podizanje potpuno opterećen.
(2) Radna brzina kolica: odnosi se na radnu brzinu dizalice kada je motor pogonskog mehanizma kolica na nazivnoj brzini.
(3) Radna brzina kolica: odnosi se na radnu brzinu kolica za podizanje kada je motor pogonskog mehanizma kolica na nazivnoj brzini.
5. Work level: It is an indicator of the working status of the whole machine that indicates the full load level of the crane’s lifting load and the busyness of the number of lifting operations.
The working levels of cranes are divided into 8 levels from A1 to A8: light (A1-A3), intermediate (A4, A5), heavy (A6, A7), and extra heavy (A8).
6. Pritisak kotača: Maksimalni vertikalni pritisak koji na kotače kolica vrši vlastita težina mosta i vlastita težina kolica i nazivna težina podizanja kada su kolica u krajnjem položaju.
After understanding the six major parameters of the industrial double girder overhead crane, customers can have a better understanding of the machine when purchasing a double-girder bridge crane, and it will be more convenient for them to consult the top manufacturer double girder overhead crane manufacturer’s sales staff.